Apostle Humphrey

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Call To BlackSmith

THE teaching ministry is a unique but vital ministry in the body of Christ. Not everyone has the ability to teach the Word of God. Many take this ministry for granted. Yes, one can have a call to ministry but that does not mean one is called and separated as a teacher. The word of God is compared to a sword, but just because one has a sword does not mean one has mastered how to use the sword. Apostle Paul Speaking to Timothy said study to show yourself approved. Just like how one puts in time to master how to use a sword one must take time to master and be skilful in handling the word of God

 Everyone can read the Word, but not everyone can interpret the word with mastery and skill. Apostle Paul said: “Not all are apostles, are they? Not all are prophets, are they? Not all are teachers, are they? Not all perform miracles, do they?” One can be a prophet and not called to teach. One can even be an apostle and not possess the teaching gift. We have seen many teach and lead so many astray because we assume separation into ministry means one has mastery to handle the word of God.

The teaching ministry is vital for the church which leaves one to ask why then do we no longer put an emphasis on the teaching ministry? Is it that God no longer calls teachers? The teachers have a unique call to equip the believers to maturity. Like how much value is put on the prophetic ministry, the teaching ministry is twice as important. The prophet gives direction, but the teacher grounds, establishes and equips believers for ministry.

The Bible speaks of a time where in the whole of Israel they were no blacksmiths. The Philistines understood if Israel had no smiths, they could not make swords. Just like how in our time there are not many who can stand out and say I am a teacher of the Word. The lack of smiths caused Israel to go to war with only two swords — that of Jonathan and his father the King. This can be compared to the present-day church; it seems only a selected few in the body can now handle the Word of God with mastery (the Word of God is the sword of the spirit). The smiths though they could not fight and many times during wars did not participate in the battle, their craftsmanship helped win battles.

The teaching ministry, like the role of the smiths, is important because the teachers forge the doctrine that equips the church in their generation to win wars. When I became a believer, I went through six weeks of foundational training. This was a tiresome process, but it gave me a firm foundation that has carried me through my walk and brought me to where I am today. A call has got out to awaken and call back the teachers to smith the believers and help them master the word of God.

In our generation much emphasis is being put on other ministries and people seem to have lost hunger for the word and not much value is put into having mastery of the word. A call is gone out, let smiths arise.  

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