Apostle Humphrey

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Faith Over Pain: Keys To Effective Prayer

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Jacob wrestled with God to the point where his hip was wrenched . Despite the pain, he did not stop wrestling because he was determined to receive God's blessing. The word "wrestle" here means to pray and supplicate, to cry before the presence of God. Jacob ignored all the pain inflicted upon him in that place of prayer. 

Sometimes we focus so much on our pain during prayer that it becomes hard for us to speak to God about our situations. There are times when you have to look away from your pain, like Jacob did when he wrestled with God. He did not focus on his pain but on receiving God's blessing for his life. 

When we enter into prayer, we often bring our situations with us, saying things like, "God, can you not see what I'm going through?" But sometimes, what you need is a blessing, and you have to ignore the pain you've been experiencing and seek God's hand, knowing His ability to deliver you from whatever you are going through.  

Many times, we focus so much on the pain and the situation that it becomes hard for God to redeem us from it. When Jonah was in the belly of the fish, he did not have any sacrifice to offer but began to offer the sacrifice of his lips, praying and giving thanks to God.

 There are times when everything else is not working out, and you feel like you have to focus on what you're going through, but the key to breakthrough is not focusing on the pain. The Bible says in Hebrews 12:2, "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross." There are times when you must endure, no matter what you're going through, and remain strong. 

The problem sometimes is that we no longer focus on Jesus but on our situations and circumstances. When Jesus called Peter to walk on water, the waves were there, but as long as Peter's focus remained on Jesus, he could continue walking on the water. Sometimes, we focus so much on our pain and challenges that it's hard for us to see the hand of God.  

But there are times when you should keep your eyes on Him, no matter what you're going through. Jacob continued wrestling with God, and the Bible even shows that God intentionally touched his hip to make him let go, but Jacob said, "I will not let you go until you bless me." Was he in pain? Yes. Was it a difficult moment for him? Yes. But he understood that he wanted a blessing from this encounter, so he continued to pray and said, "I will not let you go until you bless me."  

He had the attitude of the woman with the issue of blood. She pressed through the crowd and said, "If I can only touch the hem of His garment, I shall be made whole." Sometimes, we focus so much on what we're going through that we are not able to press in and pray through.  

What I want you to do is not focus on what you're going through or what's happening around you but focus on Him. Seek His hand for your life, knowing that Jesus is writing your story today.

God bless you.

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