Apostle Humphrey

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Mastering Protocols Of Prayer

In the scriptures, vivid imagery unfolds as we see 24 elders who have 24 thrones; in this vision, each throne is occupied by an elder. These great men or beings, in an act of profound worship, descend from their thrones and humbly remove their crowns. This posture signifies a surrender that transcends words. In the heavenly realm, where the spoken word mingles with heavenly music, the posture of the heart emerges as a silent yet powerful melody—an offering that surpasses language. You need to understand that these thrones belong to men who have the highest honor ever in the realm of man (Earth) and in heaven. Yet, with such honor and authority, they have realized there is nothing that has more value than worship. There is no rank or title on Earth that has more authority than the authority these men carry, yet for most of their time, they are in worship. Does worship not interfere with their responsibilities? I have seen videos of people mocking Africans, saying Africans waste away in prayer when they could be building their nations and being more productive.

Prayer makes you more productive, and one can never waste away in prayer. The challenge is that many do not understand what prayer does. The elders were in worship, and that worship is the tool that caused them to maintain and sustain their Kingdoms. Let's learn more about prayer using the Lord's prayer as a template. There is an order to worship, and before you seek bread, you should offer worship to God, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.

Seeking His presence comes before asking for forgiveness. "And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us." When Adam sinned, he looked for fig leaves to cover his nakedness. But Adam did not have the right revelation on how to cover his nakedness. Jesus, in teaching his disciples prayer, showed them that sin is not the issue. First worship and even ask for bread many, like Adam, have focused on sin and assume they are covered when they do not know how to deal with their sin.

God provides bread to anyone who can worship; that's why worship has nothing to do with Christianity. Even those in the world and even those in the world can worship Him, and He will answer them. They can be blessed more than a believer because they have mastered the protocols of prayer, which is to seek His presence in worship, seek His hand, and seek His mercy. Salvation and provision are different. Apostle Paul observed an altar built to God yet the people did not know God. They worshiped in ignorance.

Whoever is a worshiper, even in ignorance, can ask Him for bread. But many never seek salvation, meaning forgiveness. God gives bread to anyone who can worship Him, even if they are sinners. That’s why the Bible says He causes it to rain on everyone; rain is like the blessing, and many are experiencing God's blessing because they are worshipers. Worship is not limited to the four walls of a church. Worship is showing regard with great respect, honor, or devotion. Worship is the key to receiving a blessing from God.

Earthly titles are nothing compared to the authority wielded by the 24 elders, yet with all that authority, they show us that there is nothing as satisfying as being a worshiper and living as a worshiper. Contrary to misconceptions, worship is not a hindrance but a catalyst for productivity. Worship extends beyond religious boundaries, and those who are experiencing the blessing are because they are worshipers. Would you be a worshiper?

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