Realms of Breakthrough: The Power of Faith and Forgiveness
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In Mark 11:23, the Bible declares:
"For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."
This scripture reveals a powerful truth: if we do not doubt and speak from a position of faith, our words have the ability to bring things to pass. There are no limitations—even a mountain can be moved by the words we declare. However, our words must be backed by faith and spoken with conviction.
In the next verse, Mark 11:24, Jesus continues:
"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."
This scripture emphasizes an attitude of unwavering belief in prayer. No matter the obstacle standing in our way, if we pray with faith, that obstacle will be removed. Jesus is teaching us about a great realm of breakthrough—a dimension where there are no limitations and where our spoken words align with our faith.
However, in verse 25, Jesus adds an important condition:
"And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."
Many assume that mountain-moving faith is only about believing, but Jesus introduces another key element: forgiveness. When we stand in prayer, believing God for the impossible, we must also forgive. This is a divine principle. Before we can speak to mountains, we must ensure our hearts are free from unforgiveness.
This concept is reinforced in Matthew 5:23-24, where Jesus teaches that if we bring an offering to the altar but have unresolved issues with a brother, we must first reconcile before presenting our offering. This shows that unforgiveness can be a hindrance to our breakthroughs. The enemy knows this and often stirs up conflicts to keep us bound, preventing us from accessing higher realms in God.
Forgiveness is essential for spiritual elevation. The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:12 states:
"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
Every time God announces breakthrough and increase, He also speaks of forgiveness. This shows us that certain realms of blessings can only be accessed when we let go of past hurts. The enemy understands this and often sows discord, particularly among families, to keep them from walking in their divine inheritance.
Many churches and families fail to ascend to greater dimensions because of unresolved unforgiveness. If we desire to walk in greater realms of God’s power and favor, we must release every form of bitterness and offense. Holding onto grudges keeps us from advancing into the next level of our destiny.
Anytime God elevates a man or woman, opposition arises. Why? Because the enemy wants to trap people in unforgiveness, preventing them from receiving the blessings that come through those anointed individuals. Do not allow yourself to be hindered by offense. Choose to forgive daily and walk in love, for in doing so, you unlock new dimensions of grace and favor.
Prayers for Breakthrough and Forgiveness:
1. Father, if any realm has been closed to me because of unforgiveness, help me to walk in forgiveness so I may access my blessings.
2. Lord, every person sent by You to bless me, whom the enemy wants me to resent, help me to remain free from unforgiveness.
3. Father, every mountain-moving level You are bringing me to, let no seed of unforgiveness hinder me from stepping into it.
4. Lord, every realm of favor, provision, and increase meant for me—let unforgiveness not be a stumbling block to receiving them.
5. Father, give us our daily bread and the grace to walk in forgiveness so that we may not be limited in any area of our lives.
God bless you!