Apostle Humphrey

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Time you improved yourself


Joseph did not reproduce a leader that had the same gifts and even the wisdom he had, so a Pharaoh came that did not know the things he had done for Egypt. Men are obsessed with upgrading and improving systems and if one does not improve or grow within the system, they are replaced.

When men upgrade, they usually do not want to throw away anything. So, they enslave the oblique thing in order not to lose the initial investment and they use it against its initial purpose or programme. Most people are now slaves to systems they were once leaders in because they failed to grow and improve. Even the Bible says study to show yourself approved, as a person be apt to learn and always ready to improve ourselves. The moment you stop learning that is the moment you stop growing.

The Ethiopian eunuch who encountered Philip understood the power of information. He understood that though he was an educated man, Philip had information that would allow him to have full revelation of what he was reading. Everything you may need to get to your next level is tied to an individual and the information they possess. The difference between someone who is rich and poor is information. What do you know and how prepared are you to learn new things?

How prepared are you to master and adopt new concepts and are you malleable enough for your mind to adopt new things? Many have become enslaved in systems they were masters in because they never learnt the new information or followed trends in their industry. Some phone companies that were giants became obsolete because the manufacturers refused to grow and adopt the new trends.

As believers, we must improve and grow because if we do not grow ourselves, we can become enslaved within the Egyptian system (the Egyptian system is just a term to say world economic systems). The church at one time had more authority than kings and rulers but because the church did not grow and adapt, they lost all that influence and power. The Bible declares that we as the church shall be the head and not the tail and further says we are supposed to be on top and not beneath. For the church to lead they need to grow and develop. Daniel mastered the language of the Chaldeans. We need to master the language of our time and be students of the times.

Anything the church does not understand we tag it as demonic and the church has resisted most technological advancements and attacked them saying they are demonic. From the television to the internet, the church has always been the last to come in. This is not to deny that the devil has used some advancements to his advantage but there was nothing stopping the church from taking advantage of the changes as well.  What made Joseph influential in Egypt was because he adopted the language of the Egyptians. When Joseph’s brothers stood before him after their arrival in Egypt, they could no longer recognise him because he had not only adopted the language of Egypt but he also began to look like an Egyptian. For Joseph to have influence and authority within the land of Egypt, he went through intensive training. This allowed him to absorb the culture of the people. Although he looked and acted like an Egyptian, he maintained his faith in God, and this is primarily evident in the names he gave his children. Even for Moses to be able to negotiate and speak with Pharaoh he had mastered the language of the Egyptians. What is stopping you from learning and improving yourself?