20 Common Dreams

  1. Dreams in your village or foundational home (where you grew up)

    These dreams indicate there are issues that you have to deal with, dating back to your foundational home. It can be things that happened to your ancestors but which still affect you. Any time you see the house you grew up in or village, you’re dealing with foundational issues.

  2. Dreams of being bitten by snakes 

      These are usually demonic attacks and when dealing with snakes in a dream, look at the colour and type of snake. A green snake can mean an attack on your source of provision or something that sustains you. A yellow snake can be symbol of blood related issues.  A constrictor can be a spirit sent or limit you. Pay attention to detail.

  3. Dreams of nudity or nakedness 

    These dreams come to reveal areas of weakness with the need to produce transparency. Most areas of weakness become exposed and the most common dreams are of shame, while others are of transparency in your area of weakness. When exposed, those areas that could have been secret sins will not hold you back and you will grow more in the Lord. John Paul Jackson says these dreams usually occur during times of transition. 

  4. Dreams of spiders, cats and bats

    These three are some of the examples of witchcraft or occult systems. Depending with the dream and conditions within the dream, these animals come in as symbols of witchcraft operating against you and there is a need to deal with them. Special prayers are needed to break the influence of these systems over one’s life. Bees and hornets are some of the tools employed by these systems to bring pain and affliction.

  5. Dreams of flying

    These dreams rarely appear when there is no danger or need to be lifted above attacks and even negative situations. They come to indicate that the dreamer is being lifted above any form of challenge in their life. When the dreamer wakes up, they are filled with joy and excitement because their spirit’s sense the deliverance.

  6. Dreams of vehicles 

    These dreams represent the calling or purpose over your life depending on the type of vehicle. Please note when looking at these types of dreams the type of vehicle, the colour, as well as who is with you in that car. Are you the one driving or it is someone else? Are you able to drive or you’re having difficulties? It can be a bus, plane, boat or luxury car. Different forms of vehicles have their own definitions in dreams, but they all represent purpose and calling.

  7. Dreams of Being chased 

    These dreams come to reveal enemies that are working in your life.  Take note of who is chasing you and the location. What are your feelings? Did you manage to flee from them? These dreams come to show you battles you’re fighting and at times do not reveal strategy on how to deal with them. I will include prayers of dealing with enemies after your purpose and life in the last section of this book. If, in the dream, you have positive feelings and peace, it’s a positive dream. You may have strayed away from God’s purpose and being chased back towards Him.

  8. Dreams of living or dead relatives 

    These dreams come to indicate areas of blessing or curses that are generational. You need discernment to perceive whether this is a blessing or curse dream. This is not to say if they’re dead, it’s automatically a curse or if alive, it’s a blessing. They’re symbols of both, so there is need for wisdom. Note that it doesn’t mean seeing a dead relative is always negative but one must be careful.

  9. Dreams of water

    These dreams are dependent on the colour of the water and the scenery within the dream. Some of the dreams indicate the presence of God while others demonic influence.  Clear water is a symbol at times of God’s Spirit, while dirty water negative demonic spirits. Note that what you’re doing in the water determines the full interpretation of the dream. 

  10. Dreams of dying 

    These dreams are not always literal but an indication of something that is passing away in an individual’s life. This can be at times positive but always pray to seek clarity of interpretation to cancel if it is a direct interpretation. If it’s an area that is passing away in an individual’s life, it’s important to note which area as well.

  11. Dreams of dogs 

    These dreams have parallel meanings. At one end, it’s a dream of angelic help while at the other, it can be a symbol of a demonic spirit. The most common spirit that operates as a dog is a spirit of lust. The dog can also mean a friend or even a spirit of fear. Note that the colour and scenes in the dream determine interpretation.

  12. Dreams of  giving birth 

    These dreams are a symbol of a new season that’s about to manifest in an individual’s life. Take note of the colours of the clothes the child would be wearing. Emotions within the dream will help you understand the new season you’re about to walk into. It’s different if the person is pregnant because it could be a direct dream.

  13. Dreams called nightmares

    These are common with children and indicate generational enemies that need to be dealt with and cut off from having influence over your children. Stand against them in prayer and declare the freedom of your children. If it’s an adult, there are deeper issues that need to be dealt with

  14. Dreams of going through doors and gates

    These dreams indicate you getting into new areas in your life and indicate promotion at times and break through into new areas of life. 

  15. Dreams of taking a shower

    These dreams indicate things that are being flushed out of your life and areas of deliverance. It can be from a weight of sin that had been hindering you. Allow God to help you to access the full rights of your salvation by yielding to His Spirit for your deliverance and cleansing.

  16. Dreams of clocks and watches

    These dreams reveal what time it is in your life and the need for watchfulness. It’s important to note who is giving the watch or what type of watch it is.  

  17. Dreams of falling 

    These dreams indicate an area of fear. It can be something you are afraid of losing or something you are falling out of, like an area of bondage that you are being freed from.

  18. Dreams of scriptural verses

    These dreams indicate a message from God. Meditation of particular scriptures is important until you receive full understanding of message

  19. Dreams of going to school

    These types of dreams are an indication of a test one is taking for the purpose of promotion. However, if the dreamer sees themselves in primary school, it’s going back on past issues and maybe a failed test in life or things you didn’t overcome and can bring back unnecessary areas of bondage. There is need for prayer for one to be freed from these attacks. But being in high school means school of the Spirit and it’s positive. 

  20. Dreams of storms 

    Storms are negative, demonic, attacks over regions and nations. These usually are evil manipulations over these places. These dreams often come to people with an intercessory ministry and at times so that they can pray for that region. It can also indicate blessing if there are showers.  Those that have these dreams have a lot of work in prayer and are, at times, watchmen.

  21. Dreams of teeth 

    There are three different types of teeth — wisdom, the eye and incisors. And when you see each falling out, it indicates an attack in the area they represent. The wisdom tooth shows the loss of wisdom or memory. Losing an eye tooth shows the loss of vision and sometimes the focus on your purpose while losing the incisors reflects the loss of ability to fight. 

  22. Dreams of past relationships 

    These dreams indicate falling back into old habits or temptation in a particular area depending on who the person was and who they represent to you.