Many believers have disqualified themselves from having encounters with the Lord (angelic or supernatural visions) because they assume that only specific individuals are meant to witness certain manifestations of God. However, God's desire is not for a select few to have these special encounters; it is for everyone. The only difference between you and those select few is perception and consciousness. The reason they experience greater manifestations of God is because THEY attuned themselves to God in a deeper way from an early stage in their lives.

Apostle Humphrey Mtandwa

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  • • 10/29/21

    Introduction Wired To Hear God

    Every person is innately wired to hear God, yet many remain unaware of this divine connection. This series will awaken your spiritual senses, helping you unlock and fully embrace your God-given ability to hear and understand His voice.

  • • 10/29/21

    You're Not Disqualified to Hear God

    Many believers have disqualified themselves from having encounters with the Lord (angelic or supernatural visions) because they assume that only specific individuals are meant to witness certain manifestations of God. However, God's desire is not for a select few to have these special encounters; it is for everyone. We are all qualified to hear God. This series will awaken your spiritual senses, helping you unlock and fully embrace your God-given ability to hear and understand His voice.

  • • 10/18/21

    Gifted but Untrained: Why You Need Spiritual Mentorship

    No matter how skilled a person is, without training and teaching, one can never fully master their skill. One can be gifted, even prophetic, but mentorship and teaching are essential to unlock what God has placed within you. Many people are gifted and able to hear God, see visions, or have great depths of revelation, yet they cannot fully explore the realms of the Spirit because they lack mentorship. Mentorship is key, and teaching ministries are crucial to unlocking the dimensions of the Spirit

  • • 10/18/21

    Fellowship Through Gods Spirit

    The Highest Dimension of hearing God's voice is being connected to him through fellowship with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit purposes to help us to understand the heart of the Father Jesus Christ sacrifice allowed us to have access to the Father but the Holy Spirit is not one that helps us understand the nature and the Heart of the Father so that greatest level of hearing God's voice is through fellowship with God