Sexual Dreams Explained

Dreams of a sexual nature can be challenging to interpret because people often struggle to understand their significance. Many assume that such dreams are always related to a spiritual spouse, but this isn't necessarily the case. Sexual dreams might indicate spiritual issues, unresolved emotions, or even unresolved desires.

The key when dealing with sexual dreams is to identify their root cause. What is the underlying issue behind the dream? On our website, you will find resources designed to help you uncover the root cause of your dream. This page includes videos, content, and materials to assist you in addressing and overcoming dreams of a sexual nature.

Blessings to you!

Many people struggle with the of demon of lust, but it's like a system that has many branches. One of the branches that we are most conscious of is sexual immorality. Sometimes, sexual immorality manifests in dreams as a spiritual spouse, Sometimes it can manifest physically as sexual conduct and sexual activity out side of marriage .The Bible says you should not sleep with anyone who's not your husband or your wife. So, a lot of people are victims to this system, but they do not realize that this system is beyond just sexual sin.  

 Now, Jesus was tempted to turn stones into bread. That is lust of the flesh because he was hungry; his flesh desired bread. But yet, there was a greater purpose that God had given him. So, when you're struggling with lust of the flesh, the purpose of that demon is to cause you to choose a way that is outside of the will of God. So, it's not just a lust thing, but it is a door or a road that leads to destruction.  

Many people have turned into these roads and have lost their lives, their purpose, and themselves because of sexual or lustful desires. Sometimes, there are people who built their success, but what causes them to lose their money is lust of the flesh. You hear about a man who was so wealthy, but when he connected to this woman, everyone was telling him to watch out for her. He lost everything because he was blinded by lust; he could not see the imperfections of this woman.  The decisions that you're making, are they inspired by God or are they inspired by passions of the flesh? Many people are controlled by passions of the flesh and the lives they live are inspired by these passions….read more   

There are three levels of demonic manifestations: Possession, Obsession, and Oppression. A Christian should not be possessed by a demon, though some fall victim because of their ignorance. Let me explain the differences between these levels of oppression and how they affect people's lives.

Firstly, what is possession? In history, there were people who were born as slaves because their fathers were slaves. Similarly, there are people born into demonic systems as slaves. When one gives their life to Christ, even if they were born into such a system, they have the authority to break the chains of slavery. However, as long as one lacks knowledge, they can remain enslaved. Maturity is what frees a Christian from being possessed by these demonic systems. Without maturity, one can remain a slave to demonic systems. That’s why the Bible says an heir, as long as he is a child, he is no different from a servant . Galatians 4:1-2

Possession works like being born into a house as a slave, dependent on the system of one's master to survive. The only way to be free is to come out of the master's house. But just like how difficult it was for slaves to emancipate themselves, it appears to be the same way with those that are slaves spiritually. For the slaves to break out, it was not the physical chains that held them, but the psychological chains the master had conditioned. These men and women were so fearful that they would not have the courage to speak out; even without physical chains, they would not dare to move out of their confined spaces. Similarly, those enslaved or bound by demonic systems have been conditioned to remain victims instead of resisting the systems and freeing themselves….read more