Rooms in a House

When using the dreams directory, remember that each symbol can mean different things. Start by praying and asking God for help to understand your dream. During prayer, God will show you which symbol to focus on, as it may be important. For an accurate interpretation, break your dream down into its symbols. After identifying each one, look at them together to find the overall meaning of your dream.

Thank you

Bathroom: Place of deliverance, Removal of spiritual toxins, Perfection, Deliverances. The key is the activities you are doing..

Bathroom in Full View: Humbling season, Others aware of deliverance.

Bedroom: Intimacy , Rest , Marriage , Relationships

Dining Room: Partaking of spiritual food, Fellowship, Family relationships.

Kitchen: Preparing spiritual food, Provision, Work area.

Living Room: Family, Relationships, Comfort, Gathering.

Attic: History, Past issues, Family history.

Basement: Hidden issues, Foundation, Basics.

Study/Office: Learning, Work, Focus, Planning.

Library: Knowledge, Wisdom, Research, Learning.

Hallway: Transition, Passage, Movement from one stage to another.

Laundry Room: Cleansing, Purification, Removal of burdens.

Garage: Storage, Protection, Preparation, Potential.

Workshop: Creativity, Craftsmanship, Building, Practical work.

Playroom: Joy, Creativity, Childhood, Freedom.

Gym: Strength, Discipline, Physical or spiritual training, Personal development.

Sunroom: Illumination, Reflection, Clarity.

Guest Room: Hospitality, Temporary situations, New experiences.

Pantry: Stored resources, Preparation, Abundance.

Mudroom: Transition, Preparation for entering a new phase, Cleansing


East: Beginning; Law (therefore blessed or cursed); Birth; First. (Genesis 11:2; Job 38:24)

North: Spiritual; Judgment; Heaven; Spiritual warfare, Taking your inheritance (Proverbs 25:23; Jeremiah 1:13-14)

South: Natural; Sin; World; Temptation; Trial; Flesh; Corruption; Deception. (Joshua 10:40; Job 37:9)

West: End; Grace; Death; Last; Conformed. (Exodus 10:19; Luke 12:54)

Right: Natural; Authority; Power; Flesh , Human Effort , Gods power Through Man , Accepted. (Matthew 5:29a, 30a; 1 Peter 3:22)

Right Turn- Natural change. (Matthew 5:29a, 30a; 1 Peter 3:22)

Left: Spiritual; Area Of Weakness , Dependency On God , Rejected. (Judges 3:20-21; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

Left Turn - Spiritual change. (Judges 3:20-21; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

Back: Past; Past experience (positive or negative); That which is past (e.g., past sins or ancestral sins); Unaware; Unsuspecting; Hidden; Memory. (Genesis 22:13; Joshua 8:4)

Front: Future , Now, Recent, Prophecy, Promise, Immediate, Current. (Genesis 6:11; Revelation 1:19)