When using the dreams directory, remember that each symbol can mean different things. Start by praying and asking God for help to understand your dream. During prayer, God will show you which symbol to focus on, as it may be important. For an accurate interpretation, break your dream down into its symbols. After identifying each one, look at them together to find the overall meaning of your dream.

Thank you

Angel: Represents a divine messenger, Protection, Guidance, Heavenly support. It can also signify an important message from God.

Beggar: Spirit of poverty , Humility, Lack of spiritual nourishment, Dependence on others.

Bridegroom: Reflects Jesus Christ, A new agreement, A new spiritual union.

Child: Represents innocence, Symbolizes purity, Potential, Immaturity in spiritual matters , fresh start. Aspects of oneself that are still growing, Responsibility

Doctor: Symbolizes a healer, Jesus as the Great Physician, Someone who brings spiritual or physical healing. It may also represent self-care or a need for healing in some area of life.

King: Denotes authority, power, Jesus as the King of Kings, leadership, or sovereignty. Negatively, it could represent pride, control, or tyranny.

Judge: Represents God as the ultimate judge, Decision-maker, Situation requiring justice, Guilt, Self-Judgment.

Prophet: A messenger from God, Represents insight , Revelation , It may indicate a prophetic gift or spiritual calling.

Policeman -Authority , Discipline , Victory Spiritual Authority , Demonic Systems

Queen: Symbolizes authority, Influence, Leadership, Spiritual royalty. Negative Pride , Manipulation.

Slave: Represents bondage, Oppression, Lack of freedom. Positively, it could symbolize servanthood , Dedication.

Soldier: Reflects spiritual warfare, Angel , Spiritual Authority , Being part of God’s army, A call to stand firm in faith. Negatively, Aggression, Conflict, Personal battles.

Sangoma - Attack, Manipulation, Occultist , Deception, , or spiritual attack. Influence over your life , Control over others for selfish purposes.

Teacher: Represents a guide or mentor, Someone who imparts wisdom and knowledge. earning, Spiritual instruction, God’s Teaching.

Thief: Enemy, Losing Joy, Losing Peace, Losing blessings , Loss , Fear, Taken advantage of.

Widow/Widower: Loss, Grief, Isolation, Time of mourning. Time of change , Depending on God for support.

Witch/Wizard: Attack, Manipulation, Occultist , Deception, , or spiritual attack. Influence over your life , Control over others for selfish purposes.

Wise Man/Woman: Wisdom, Spiritual insight, Godly counsel, A person with great insight, It can represent support during difficult times..