Pray For You
Seeing in the spirit comes naturally for all believers, regardless of rank or maturity. However, while many can see in the spirit, few are fully aware of what they see or even recognize that they’re seeing at all. We live in a prophetic generation where many people have visions, yet they often lack the authority to change what they see. This authority comes from a specific, divine authorization marked by the presence of God.
The badge of this authorization is God’s presence. Whenever you feel God’s presence, it is His seal, accrediting you to speak and birth forth whatever you are empowered to declare. But have you ever noticed that, in a room, a specific area may seem to carry a stronger presence of God? This area is what I call a "portal"—an opening in the heavens that allows God’s presence to enter a particular place.
The Importance of Portals and Divine Authorization
While many people experience these spiritual openings, few are conscious of them. Speaking and declaring outside God’s presence lacks the capacity for manifestation, as true power in the spoken word comes from alignment with God’s voice and presence. Portals are spiritual gateways where God’s presence is deeply felt, and they can be created through worship, prayer, or associations with others who have a strong connection to God. The key to manifesting what you see lies in God’s presence, which authorizes you to effect change…..read more