Buildings and Places

Note the size and purpose of the building.

When using the dreams directory, remember that each symbol can mean different things. Start by praying and asking God for help to understand your dream. During prayer, God will show you which symbol to focus on, as it may be important. For an accurate interpretation, break your dream down into its symbols. After identifying each one, look at them together to find the overall meaning of your dream.

Thank you

Atrium – Light, Revelation , Growth , Haven

Auto Repair Shop –Restoration Ministry, Renewal, Repair.

Back Porch –History, Past ,Foundation , Generational .

Barn/Warehouse –Provision Place , Storage.

Bedroom Hut – Intimacy, Unresolved issues from your past, Marriage, Relationships.

Castle – Authority, Fortress, Royal Residence, Guarded, Protective.

Country General Store – Provision, Basics.

Elevator – Promotion, Elevation, Demotion .

Farm – Provision, Work , Increase

Front Porch – Future , Tomorrow ,Looking Forward .

Garage – Place to Rest , Refreshed, Place of Protection, A Covering for Ministries.

Garden – Love, Intimacy, Growth.

Gas Station – To Receive Power, Strength , Impartation

Hallway – Direct Transition.

High-Rise Buildings – Spiritual Calling ,Elevated Spiritual Viewpoint.

Hospital – Place of Healing.

Hotel – Transition, Temporary, Place to Relax and to Receive.

House – A Ministry, A Church, A Personal Life Situation, Your Life , Family. Dreaming of a previous home signifies the importance of events or thoughts that began there.

Hut – Family, Coming Together, Unity, Provision, Generational Issues.

Kitchen Hut – Provision, Coming Together.

Mall – Marketplace, All Needs Met in One Place, Self-Centeredness, Materialism.

Mobile Home – Temporary State, Representing Something That Moves, Poverty.

Office Building – Getting Things Accomplished, Depending on What’s in the Building.

Roof – Spiritual Covering, Marital Cover: Men, Limitation or Climax, New Beginning.

School, Classroom – Training Period, A Learning Space, A Ministry with Teaching Anointing.

Shack – Poverty, Separation.

Stadium – Place of Tremendous Impact.

Staircase – Spiritual Movement . Spiritual Portal , Promotion, Increase when going up, Decrease when going down..

Tent –Temporary Rest Area, Meeting with God.

Theatre –Will Be Shown Something, Visibility is Growing.

Two-Story House – Double Anointing.

Windows – Vision, Light In, Ideas ,Knowledge