Animal Symbols In Dreams

When using the dreams directory, remember that each symbol can mean different things. Start by praying and asking God for help to understand your dream. During prayer, God will show you which symbol to focus on, as it may be important. For an accurate interpretation, break your dream down into its symbols. After identifying each one, look at them together to find the overall meaning of your dream.

Thank you.

Bat – Demonic Cover, Rely on Negative Systems for Safety, Witchcraft, Wavering, Fear.

Bear – Judgment, Strength; An Evil Spirit Desires What You Own.

Black Cat – Revive, Witchcraft, Spirit of Death.

Black Panther – Witchcraft, Demonic Activity, Workers of Darkness.

Bull – Economic Increase, Persecution, Spiritual Warfare, Opposition, Accusation, Slander, Threat, Financial Stronghold, Usually an Altar.

Camel – Long Journey, Endurance, Preparedness, Wealth, Resourcefulness.

Cat –Concealed Feelings, Self-Willed, Untrainable, Predator, Unclean Spirit, Bewitching Charm, Stealthy, Sneaky, Deception.

Cheetah – Swift, Fast, Predator, Danger, Cheater, Spirit of Lust, Temptation.

Chicken – Fear, Cowardliness;

Chicken Hen- Can Be Protection, Gossip, Motherhood;

Chicken Rooster (Male Chicken) Can Be Boasting, Bragging, Proud;

Chicken Baby – Defenseless, Innocent.

Crab – Difficult to Approach, Painful Experience, Defensive

Crow Type 1 – Death, Misfortune.

Crow (Raven) – Confusion, Outspoken, Operating in Envy or Strife, Hateful, Unclean, God’s Minister of Justice or Provision.

Crocodile – Ancient Evil, Danger, Destruction, Evil Spirit, Slander and Gossip , Aggression.

Cow – Subsistence, Prosperity, Idol, Idolatry.

Deer – Graceful, Swift, Sure-Footed, Agile, Timid, Spiritual Hunger, Freedom, Evangelist

Dog – Spirit of Lust, Spirit of Fear, Unbelievers, Religious Hypocrites, Loyalty, Friendship, Faithfulness.

Donkey – Gentle Strength, Burden Bearer, Stubborn, Delay, Unproductive.

Dove – Holy Spirit.

Dove (Discolored) – Demonic Spirits; The Devil copies God and has imitative systems..

Dragon – Satan, Deception, False Help.

Dinosaur – Old Stronghold, Demonic, Past Danger: Generational Stronghold.

Eagle – Prophetic, Prophetic Calling, Prophetic Sight

Elephant – Tough or Resilient, Not Easily Offended, Powerful, Large, Greatness, Making a Strong Impact, Unforgiving , Old Memory, Long Pregnancy.

Fish – Souls of Men, Favor with Man Affecting Finances.   Dreams of Fish Blog Teaching

Fox – Cunning, Evil Men, Sly, Sneaky, A Thief of Your Energy.

Frog – Spirit of Lust, Deception in Relationships.

Goat – No Discernment, Rebellion; Positive: Cultural View on Prosperity, Pride, Boastful.

Gorilla – Strength, Anger, Uncontrolled Emotions, Destruction.

Horse – Power, Strength, Conquest, Authority, Spiritual Movement.

Leopard – Swiftness, Sometimes Associated with Vengeance, Predator, Danger.

Lion – Jesus ("Lion of Judah"), Royalty and Kingship, Bravery, Confidence, Satan Seeking to Destroy, Apostolic.

Lobster –Difficult to Approach.

Mice – Devourer, Curse, Plague, Timid.

Mole – Spiritual Blindness, Hidden, Enemy Within.

Monkey – Foolishness, Clinging, Mischief, Dishonesty, Addiction.

Mountain Lion – Enemy, Predator of Your Soul.

Octopus – Jezebel Spirit Due to Tentacles, Organized Demonic Systems.

Ox – Slow Change, Subsistence, Worker.

Pig – Ignorance, Hypocrisy, Religious Unbelievers, Unclean People, Selfish, Gluttonous, Vicious, Vengeful.

Ram – Sacrifice, Dependable.

Rat – Feeds on Garbage or Impurities, Unclean Spirit, Invader.

Serpent – Satan and Evil Spirits, Lies.

  • White Snake – Spirit of Religion, Occult, Spiritualist Witch-Doctors.

  • Yellow Snake – Blood-Related Spirits, Generational Curses.

  • Black Snake – Family Altar/Idol, Family Gods.

Sheep – God’s Flock, Innocent, Vulnerable, Humility, Submission, Sacrifice.

Skunk – Stench, Smell, Messy Situation, Unforgiveness, Bitterness, Bad Attitude.

Sloth – Slow Moving, Easy Prey, Vulnerable.

Snake – Deception, Lies, Satan, Unforgiveness, Bitterness.

Sparrow – Small Value but Precious, God’s Provisions.

Tiger – Danger, Powerful Minister (Both Good and Evil), Soul Power.

Tortoise – Slow Moving, Slow Change, Steady, Old Way of Doing Something, Wise.

Whale – Big Impact in the Things of the Spirit.

Wolf – Satan and Evil, False Ministries and False Teachers.

Zebra – Easy to Connect, Teamwork, Beauty, Victim Easy Prey.