God, Beginning, New beginning (Gen 1:1; Eph. 4:4-6; Jn. 10:30; Jn. 17:21-22)
Multiplication/division/ union/ confirmation/ testimony/ witness (Gen 2:23-24; Matt 18:16; 1Kings 3:24-25; Gen 1:7-8)
Godhead (Triune God)/Divine Completeness/perfection/resurrection/restoration (Mt 12:40; Mt 28:19; Ezek. 14:14-18)
God’s creative works/ rule or to reign/influence/ helpers /influence in all spheres of the world (Gen 1:14-19)
Grace/redemption/ fivefold ministry (Eph. 4:11; Gen 1:20-23)
Man, beast, Satan (Gen 1:26-27)
Perfection/completion/Rest/Blessing (Gen 2:1-3; Rev 10:7; Rev 16:17; Deut. 15:1-2)
New Beginnings (Teacher) (Gen 17:12; Lk 2:21-23; 1Pet 3:20)
Judgment (Evangelist)/ finality / fullness/Harvest (Gal 5:22-23; 1Cor.12:8-10;
Journey/ Wilderness/ law/ government/ responsibility (Pastor) (Ex 34:28)
Transition (Prophet) (Dan 7:24; Gen 32:22)
Government/apostolic fullness (Apostle) (Lk 6:12-13; Mt 19:28)
Rebellion/ backsliding/ apostasy/ death (Gen14:4; 1 Kings 11:6)
Double anointing (Mt 1:17)
Reprieve/ mercy / perfect Grace (Lev 23:34-35; Ester 9:20-22)
Established beginnings/ love (1Cor 13:4-8)
Election/Immaturity/ Transition/ Victory (Gen 47:28)
Begin ministry training, Perfection
Begin ministry (Num 4:3-4; Gen 41:46; 2Sam 5:4)
My Beloved Son
Full lawlessness, anti-Christ