Weapons and Objects

Knife – Brutal attack or gossip; if you are holding it, than form of protection Sword – Word of God, further reaching, authority 

Gun – Spiritual authority good or bad, spiritual attack Dart – Curses, demonic attack, Positive – accuracy

Arrow – negative: accusation from the enemy, Positive: Blessing of children, Focused message, “shooting an arrow” with your life

Shield – Faith, protection, God’s truth, faith in God

Spear – close confrontation. 

Crown – symbol of authority, Seal of Power, Jesus Christ, to reign, to be honored


Coat – Mantle/anointing

Swimwear – Ability to move in the Spirit

Speedo – to move fast in the spirit

Shorts – a walk or calling that is partially fulfilled

Bathrobe – Coming out of a place of cleansing

Pyjamas – spiritual slumber

Cultural clothing – Going back to principals and truths you were raised with, calling to another country or intercession for a particular country or ethnic group

Wedding Dress – Covenant or deep relationship  

Shoes – Gospel of peace

Clothing that doesn’t fit – Walking in something you’re not called to

Tattered Clothing – Mantle/anointing not being taken care of. Spirit of poverty