Fish dreams money dreams Explained

Dreams of fish are commonly celebrated because they are believed to be good Signs, especially with certain individuals and certain groups. Many individuals believe that dreaming of fish is a symbol that shows that you are about to make money. However, many people who do dream of fish remain in the state of poverty they were in before having the dream. It is because just having the dream does not mean you have access to what the dream represents. A dream of fish  shows that you should create relationships that will bring forth the money and the fish in itself is not money in the dream. 

The Bible says, 'Give, and it shall be given back unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto you.' So, it is essential to recognize that men are the key to prosperity. Whenever God wants to release anything on earth, He releases it through men . The Bible recognizes Peter as a fisher of men, suggesting that fish can be symbolic of men . The reason why those who dream of fish remain in poverty is because they fail to recognize that men are the key to the money God wants to release  

After the dream, the first thing you should do is pray this prayer: 'Father, in the name of Jesus, allow me not to miss the relationships that are key for my next level of prosperity. In Jesus' name.' When you pray this prayer, you must  become conscious that there are relationships that God is about to send to you. . 

Now, ask yourself, 'Who is it that God sent in your past seasons who was supposed to bring me into your place of wealth, maybe you  ignored them or you were not able to create a relationship with that person so they left without releasing what they were supposed to release in your life.

Another dream that indicates you're about to make money is a dream of money itself. It is also a symbol of favor with men. Jesus, in the Bible, was said to have grow  in favor with God and with men. Therefore, there is no prosperity that is not connected to a man. You need favor  with men.

Ask yourself what relationships are key to your next level and from these relationships: 'Why am I connected or why did God connect me with A, B, C or D ? What is it that He wants to produce in my life?' 

Your gift will make room for you to stand before kings. But like Joseph, your attitude before the king will determine whether you have a greater responsibility from that position or not. Many people have doors opened for them but lacked the wisdom to sustain it. When you enter into the presence of a king, remember to put your fork to your throat. Do not be consumed by greed or lust. Many people, when they meet a king or a person of influence, they are more focused on the person's money rather than the wisdom and grace they can impart to them that will cause they to have that same measure of wealth.  

The reason why many are still poor is because you were not able to connect with the key people that God sent into your life. Please note that every relationship you have is a key to your next level. In every connection you are supposed to receive grace, not what your lusting for in that persons life . Relationships are about receiving the influence and wisdom that caused the person to have access to money, not just the money itself. 

So, my prayer is simple: Father, let those having dreams finally have access to the money and the influence that dreams indicate , and let the spirit of poverty be broken in Jesus' name. God bless you.


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