Apostle Humphrey

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Generational Blessings Through Ancestry  

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We often focus on generational curses, but the Bible also speaks about generational blessings; we see this clearly through the life of Abraham . The Jews in every generation have been the most influential and at times  the wealthiest families. Their wealth is as a result of the blessing of God and the covenant their fathers had with God. 

There are people like Job, who, through their relationship with God, were able to walk in great wealth and leave a legacy for their children and grandchildren. These are what are called generational blessings, which are activated by how one's forefathers walked with God. For instance, the Jewish people are successful not merely through principles and hard work, but through the blessing. Anything they touch prospers because of the covenant relationship their forefather Abraham had with God. 

Similarly, there are blessings over your family due to a specific individual within your lineage. The Bible says, "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever" (Deuteronomy 29:29). If God released a blessing over your forefathers but you are unaware of it, you might not have access to it. It’s not that God does not want you to have it, but rather that you are not aware of it due to a lack of understanding. 

Generational blessings, like curses, can impact up to the third or fourth generation (Exodus 20:5-6). For instance, if you are a fifth-generation child and your father never accessed the blessings available to your family from earlier generations, you might miss out on those blessings. 

It may seem as though blessings are hidden because they are intended for individuals who have the capacity to manifest them. Anything you do not have knowledge of, you will not have the capacity to manage. The reason blessings may seem hidden is because, as Proverbs 25:2 says, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings." This means that God conceals blessings,  but only releases them to those with specific qualities. 

 Even though the Jewish people are blessed, not every Jewish person is wealthy. However, many Jews hold significant positions in various economies. This prosperity is a result of Abraham's covenant with God. They have extensively studied and taught about this covenant, and have trained their children to be aware of both the blessing and the word of God, as instructed in Proverbs 22:6: "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." 

Many people are unaware of their family lineage, including their grandparents and great-grandparents. We are not talking about ancestral worship, but about being conscious of the faith and legacy passed down through generations. For example, Timothy carried a seed of faith that came from his grandmother and mother, even though he was called by God (2 Timothy 1:5). 

Generational blessings are connected to families, and God is a God of family. We should not only be aware of generational curses only  but also of generational blessings. Do you know what God has said to your family, including your father and grandfather? Are you aware of the promises and rewards over your family? It’s essential to train your children in this awareness so they can also access these blessings. The book of chronicles states families and lineage to show the importance of understanding you lineage as well .

We need to think generationally and recognize how God has released blessings over nations, families, and individuals. Many people do not realize the generational blessings over their families because they are unaware of them. For instance, Job and Abraham were distinct figures: Job lived before Abraham and had his own covenant with God, Unfortunately, in many contexts, including some African cultures, we focus more on generational curses and neglect to speak about the blessings. Yet, God has blessed not only Abraham and Job but also all the families and nations on Earth. The key is to seek God’s guidance for your family and understand the unique blessings He has for you. There may be blessings within your family that need to be realized, and it’s not always about curses. There are also blessings waiting to manifest.