Apostle Humphrey

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Gifts And Purpose

God has put a GIFT in each and every person. Many people live frustrating lives because they never put to work the Gift, God gave them. One may be a star runner, but if they don’t put in the hours in training, they may never manifest their gift in its full potential. Yes, the bible says a man's gift makes room for him, but what is a gift if the person who bears it is undisciplined. Many star athletes never manifested their full potential, because they did not train and fully develop their gift. How many hours have you put in growing or increasing your gift

You cannot use a gift if you are not conscious of it, what gift do you carry? God speaking in the book of Jeremiah said He ordained you  when we were in our mothers womb. Meaning even before you were born you carried a purpose. I was inspired as I watched Star runner  Usain Bolt train; he said he had to work hard for him to be the best. It is not enough to be gifted, if your gift is not exercised it will not have  the capacity to bring you before great man as the scriptures say.

 How much time have you put into discovering your purpose and how many hours have you spent sharpening your gifts. As a young boy, Joseph had a unique gift to interpret dreams but he lacked the wisdom to execute and it took years of tests and trials to perfect his gift.

The situations Joseph went through in Egypt re-fined him to become the man who he finally became. Joseph not only could interpret dreams, but he gained an ability to help others understand their dreams and also gave them wisdom to execute their dreams. At first, Joseph misunderstood his purpose and he had to go through so many situations to help him fully discover himself and his purpose. What is your purpose and what tools (gifting) have you been given to fulfill that purpose?

Gideon was hiding from an enemy which he had the capacity to fight and overcome because he was not aware of his gift and his purpose. God has Gifted you and has a great plan and purpose for your life. But the task is yours to align to that purpose and manifest that purpose. God has a set plan for every person but just because He wills it, does not mean it will happen according to His plan. You have a task to discover not only the purpose but also work on sharpening the gift given to you to help you fulfill this purpose.

God bless you