Apostle Humphrey

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Destiny Exchanged: Exploring the Depths of Soul Ties

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The Bible says that after Jonathan had finished speaking to King Saul, his soul was knit with the soul of David. These two had such a strong relationship that their souls became knitted together. But many do not understand why the souls of David and Jonathan had to be knit together. The reason why their souls became tied together was because God wanted it to be so.

First, you need to understand that Jonathan was going to be the king after his father, Saul. But yet, God had chosen David. According to both spiritual and physical laws, David would not be king unless Jonathan himself abdicates the throne to David. So, Jonathan, by right spiritually, was the heir even though David was the one chosen. Reminder, it was God who had made Saul the king of Israel. The only way that David could have been king would have been by killing Jonathan. But yet, God did not want the inheritance to result from killing the king because of how it would affect Israel and the fact that Saul himself was anointed and appointed by God. So, for David to take the position of Jonathan, they had to exchange their destinies or their souls had to be knitted together.

Let me just explain this in a simple way. Because Jonathan was going to be king, David could only be king if his soul and that of Jonathan were connected. David was anointed, and Jonathan was appointed. So, both the anointed and appointed had to have a soul tie for David to have access to the throne.

So, without that soul tie, David, even though he was anointed, could not be king over Israel. The only way he could sit on that throne is if he took the life of Jonathan, and he did that through a soul tie and not through a sword. If Jonathan lost his throne because of a soul tie, how many things have been lost through unwanted ties. When you sleep with a harlot, you become one flesh with the harlot, meaning that during that intercourse, there was an exchange. Any person that you find yourself engaging with sexually, you interconnect with them, and their soul becomes your soul.

Soul ties should be broken. Note, soul ties do not just happen because of sex. Some soul ties should be broken because a soul tie is an exchange of destiny. When you become knitted to another person's soul, it corrupts your destiny, especially if the soul tie was not in God's plan for your life. David and Jonathan did not sleep with each other; it was just through a vow, through words. This happened because of words spoken when someone is emotional. So, be careful of certain emotions because they connect you to people you are not supposed to be connected to. Do you know that there are even friends whose souls are knitted together because they made vows without being conscious that they were creating a tie?

When you sleep with a harlot, you become one flesh with the harlot. The Bible says a husband shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife; that's a soul tie. The purpose of a soul tie is to allow a husband and wife to live together, to function in the same destiny without interfering with or affecting each other. So, the purpose of a soul tie is to allow partners to fulfill the purpose of God for their lives. As long as you are in partnership, in agreement, your souls are intertwined. These partnerships are not only through sexual actions; it can be through words where the gateway of emotions is active.

How does one break a soul tie? By breaking the bridge of emotions that created the tie and freeing oneself from the connection through words by speaking against the system. You have to renounce it; you have to speak against it. A lot of times, many people are suffering because they have not spoken against things they are tied to spiritually. You have to stand and say, “Father, show me any connection that I have with anyone that can be affecting me negatively, which can be affecting my life and my destiny.” When Esau was given soup, his name was changed. One action changes destinies. So, the key is to pray, first of all, for God to reveal. Once God has revealed, you pray prayers of renouncing, prayers of destroying. “Father i disconnect myself from any agrement or connection that knitted my soul to ………… From today i declare i am totaly free from that agreement “ Try communion when making these prayers. After renouncing or destroying, you have to plant something in place of what you have destroyed. You need to pray prayers of restoration and refilling by saying, “Father, Awaken my purpose and cause my Soul to be mended where it was broken restore what you gave me in my mother womb that I lost through ignorance.” Soul ties can be broken. God bless you.

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