“For as a man thinks within himself, so he is.” Proverbs 23:7, ISV

Man is a product of his words and what he sees. Many people have produced wrong things because they have kept the wrong things before them. So as a man you produce what you see and what your mouth says.

The scripture above says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. What are your thoughts like? Refuse to meditate on failure or your fears. Focus on God’s Word.  Your thoughts should align to the destiny God has called you to live.

The bible carries God's thoughts for us and many assume his plans are not to prosper us and some assume God does not desire us to live a good life. The bible says “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11.” God's thoughts toward us are scribed in the bible and when we meditate on the word of God, we cause our minds to align to these thoughts.  

The bible is the only manual God has given man to understand his mind and to help them relate with his Spirit. Your thoughts can never be perfect enough to paint the picture of the life God desires you to live. That is why you need the word of God, within it is the you he created before you were formed in your mother's womb. Jeremiah was born as a prophet and even before he was born, God had a plan for him and in that same way before you were formed in your mothers womb God knew you and gave you a purpose.

God desires that you prosper and his ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts higher than our thoughts. At times many assume God's purpose can limit them but God's purpose has a far greater advantage. Imagine Jeremiah was born as a priest, yes surely his office as a priest would have seemed similar to that of a prophet but there was a difference and it was not just in the title but role and impact he would have on his nation. What are God's thoughts for you and what have you done to realise them and to manifest them in your daily life?

Man has understood the principle that his thoughts and words direct his life. But I would say anything done outside of God’s word is vanity. Man can never live a fulfilled life outside of Christ Jesus. David understood this revelation, which is why he hid God’s word in his heart. It's not enough to speak positively and have the right thoughts. The thoughts you should manifest are his thoughts for you and your life. Today allow God’s word to fill your heart and your mind, so that it can perfect your thoughts. 

God Bless you


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