Who are Christocrats
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AN aristocracy is made up of people who belong to an upper class. These are born into privilege and inherit titles and wealth. Such societies still exist although they are now hidden within broader society. A few are still visible. When one is born into a higher-class family, they do not marry into lower class families. This person does not become yoked to those of a lower class because they believe this will corrupt the pure noble blood within them.
The Bible speaks of a separation of classes when it encourages believing women not to be yoked to unbelieving men in marriage. When one gives their life to Christ, they automatically become royalty (of noble birth) and are no longer subjected to the same class of life they used to live. Immediately, nobility is infused into their spirits and they become more like God in nature.
The psalmist said, “they walk on in darkness, neither do they understand; he declared and said we are gods and sons of the most high God”. A dog gives birth to a dog, so God gives (spiritual) birth to a god. In nature, we are gods because of who our Father is.
Aristocrats from birth are taught how to walk, how to eat and infused within them is the ability to separate themselves from others. When they stand among other men, they do not think in any way that they are the same level and they believe their blood makes them unique and different from others. Although a Christian is in the world, But he is not of the world. He has within him something that separates him from all men and makes him stand out always. What affects ordinary men does not affect a Christian.
When an aristocrat is born separated from his family though he may have noble blood, he will not live like nobility. Because though they may have privileges through blood, qualification comes from a mindset one adopt as they grow up.
In the same way, if a Christian is separated from values that make a Christian, they will live below the standard of their call. Having noble blood is not enough; one has to be raised with the mindset that allows them to separate themselves from others. A Christian who has not been awakened to who they are will live their lives as ordinary men. A Christian is “not human” so he cannot be subject to the same situation’s others are subject to. God cannot be sick, so a Christian should never be sick because they carry God’s DNA. So, if a Christian is still subject to their environment, they have not yet been awaked to who they really are.
The challenge is that most Christians are like a person who has noble blood, but was raised outside of the system. When they find out who they are, even though they have a new title, they may not know how to behave and act as a noble.
We who are the ‘Christocrats’? must behave as nobles . So, we have to learn how to behave as noblemen . You have to learn how to speak, how to eat, how to sit and in the same way a Christian has to learn how to not allow sickness to affect him, how to not allow poverty to affect him as a Christocrats. We as people who are born again who now carry a newfound nature that allows Us to live a life separate from the old life. When Christians realize that they are not like the people of the world, they will not allow themselves to be subject to the systems of this world. It’s time you are awakened to your nobility. You are a god and should walk like a god.
God bless you.