In this powerful audio-book, The Egyptian Economy, explore how God used Joseph, a Hebrew man, to become a key figure in Egypt's economy and a source of salvation for his people. While God could have used Joseph anywhere, He strategically placed him in Egypt—a land with the system and infrastructure needed to fulfill the divine vision.
This audio-book delves into the profound revelation that sometimes, God allows us to enter challenging or foreign systems—like Egypt—to equip us to be a blessing to others and advance His kingdom.
This audiobook is also accompanied by the eBook , a comprehensive tool for those who wish to dive deeper into this subject. It’s designed for those who want to do more extensive reading and gain a broader understanding of the topic. If you are looking to explore this area further, the eBook will serve as a valuable resource. Thank you again for your time, and we trust that you will be inspired and equipped as you journey through this material.