Apostle Humphrey

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Discovering Your Divine Path

Navigating Purpose, Decisions, and Afflictions

David Understood that his affliction came because of a decision he made, and he cried out, saying, 'Before I was afflicted, I went astray.' In the season when men go to war, David chose to stay behind, but that one decision was going to affect not only him but generations after him. Many people ignorantly make decisions, and though they assume the decision only impacts them, that single decision entraps them and those under them.

The Bible says, 'Wide is the path that leads to death,' and it shows us that many decide to use this path. When you use the wide path, you endanger yourself. Every man born of a woman has a predestined path they are called to walk in, but one of the hardest things is to locate and walk in these paths. Jeremiah is told, 'Before you were formed in your mother's womb, I ordained thee and made you a prophet.' Jeremiah's assignment or purpose was older than him, and so is your purpose.

As people, our purpose is to walk in the path God ordained for us before we were formed in our mothers' wombs. But many are blinded from these paths, while others make the mistake of straying away from these paths. But when you are outside your ordained path, there are demonic agents who then take advantage and cause you to live a miserable life. Some of those problems and situations you're going through are because of the path your father or you chose to take.

What path are you walking in, and is it the path he ordained for you before you were formed in your mother's womb? Some are in the wrong marriages, some in the wrong careers, and some are leading a people they were never ordained to lead.

The Bible says, 'A man's gift makes room for him,' meaning God gave you gifts that have the capacity to create opportunities for you. Your greatest assignment is to discover your God-given path and walk in it and to function in the purpose he created for you.

Jeremiah, speaking again, said there are ancient paths, and he seems to advise that these paths are discovered as you follow and learn from those who have also discovered the true paths of their lives. A man can be gifted but never be able to use the gift because they never sat down under another man who would raise them and awaken the gift they have.

David, when he is ordained King, finds himself in the house of King Saul because God wanted him to learn and be mentored in the area of his gifting and calling.

What path are you called into, and are you functioning in that path? Most afflictions come because of position. You are one decision away from your breakthrough or increase, and that decision is a decision of discovery where you're awakened to his original purpose for you. The Bible says we are his workmanship, created unto good works; you were created for good works.

Will you take this journey of discovery to find the ancient path God ordained for you to walk in and manifest the calling he gave you in your mother's womb? Generations are waiting for you. God bless you.

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