Apostle Humphrey

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Overcoming the Demon of Lust: Finding Victory Through Spiritual Discipline

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Many people struggle with the of demon of lust, but it's like a system that has many branches. One of the branches that we are most conscious of is sexual immorality. Sometimes, sexual immorality manifests in dreams as a spiritual spouse, Sometimes it can manifest physically as sexual conduct and sexual activity out side of marriage .The Bible says you should not sleep with anyone who's not your husband or your wife. So, a lot of people are victims to this system, but they do not realize that this system is beyond just sexual sin.  

 Now, Jesus was tempted to turn stones into bread. That is lust of the flesh because he was hungry; his flesh desired bread. But yet, there was a greater purpose that God had given him. So, when you're struggling with lust of the flesh, the purpose of that demon is to cause you to choose a way that is outside of the will of God. So, it's not just a lust thing, but it is a door or a road that leads to destruction.  

Many people have turned into these roads and have lost their lives, their purpose, and themselves because of sexual or lustful desires. Sometimes, there are people who built their success, but what causes them to lose their money is lust of the flesh. You hear about a man who was so wealthy, but when he connected to this woman, everyone was telling him to watch out for her. He lost everything because he was blinded by lust; he could not see the imperfections of this woman.  The decisions that you're making, are they inspired by God or are they inspired by passions of the flesh? Many people are controlled by passions of the flesh and the lives they live are inspired by these passions.   

David was so controlled by passions of the flesh that he killed someone else husband because he wanted that mans  wife. Many people have made such decisions, and after they made these decision and later become sober from the passions of the flesh, they regret the decisions that they made. How many of you have found themselves giving up to desires of the flesh? Many people are struggling with masturbation and all these demonic systems like pornography and all this stuff. Because they have given themselves to this demon.  

So, it is not just the sexual dream, but it is a doorway that is giving you access to false destinies. So, when you're having the dream, you are not just having a dream; you are being directed toward this way. This direction that you're taking is being driven by passions and by desires. There are many people today that when they look back at their lives, they realize that every decision that they made was not theirs, but it was lust or passion.  

So, then the question that I have for you is, what is driving your decisions? Is it lust or is it God? Adam and Eve messed up because they  lusted after something through the flesh. Man was put in a demonic cage and a demonic system. Many people are victims today of decisions that were made due to lust . But my question is, how then are you able to overcome this system? Maybe that's the question that you have.  

The key to having victory over sexual dreams is to have victory over your flesh. When you have victory and dominion over the flesh, you'll have dominion over the dreams. It is not about the demon; it is about your flesh. Many people are focused on the demon, not knowing that if you deal with your flesh, you have victory over the demon. So many people are victims of dreams of a sexual nature not because the demon itself is powerful, but because their flesh is too active.  

So, instead of dealing with the demon itself, you should deal with your flesh. Because you spend hours upon hours binding and casting, when the issue is in the flesh. Once you deal with the flesh, you deal with the desires  of the flesh. You need to understand that a Christian can not  be possessed by a demon; a demon cannot inhabit a Christian. So, it comes, touches you, and leaves you. What you do is you close the door so that the next time it's trying to come, it will not find room for it to enter through.  

So, the issue is not to fight the demon itself; the issue is to close the doors, close those loops, You close those doors through spiritual disciplines like fasting and prayer. Just living a life where you are not focused on the demon, but you're focused on God and having dominion over your flesh.

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