Apostle Humphrey

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The Poor You Will Always Have

When great kings conquered nations, they took from the land skilled craftsmen and the wise men of the land. But they also ensured the poor would not follow and would remain in the nation they would have conquered. The poor are safe and protected only when a nation is strong. When companies and businesses pay their taxes, they ensure the government is able to build the nation, ensuring safety nets for citizens, especially the poor.

If the companies choose not to pay tax and just focus on taking care of the poor, they cripple the nation more and cause a further decline in the economy causing the nation to have more that are poor. So, in order to protect the poor, the companies ignore them.

The role of the church is to propagate the gospel and this assignment requires finances. In the same way, ignoring the poor to pay taxes ensures a stronger nation. Partnering with the church allows the church to preach and help the poor. The gospel has the ability to change a person’s mindset and position them to break out from any form of poverty.

The Bible says: “He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them.” The gospel has the ability to lift out the poor from the trap of poverty.

The principle of Giving and offerings  strengthens believers and helps them have greater capacity financially. It also helps the church to sponsor the gospel, ensuring those that hear it receive a new mindset that allows them to break out from any limitation. What separates the rich and the poor is the information they have and what the poor man needs more than anything is the gospel.

Job’s friends had the financial capacity to give Job money that could have lasted him until his death. But when they visited him, they did not bring anything, only words. They understood if they could talk to him, they could discover the root cause of his problems. What those that are poor need is the gospel and the wisdom it carries.

When the government receives taxes, it builds systems that ensure security for the taxpayer. The value of the dollar falls when the government does not have enough resources to run its systems. The Bible speaks about how offerings are a form of security and ensures those that give receive increases. When a nation has increased revenue, the dollar strengths and allows one’s money to have more value.

When one pays offering, the church grows and the more the church grows the greater the grace God pours out. When grace increases, the favour upon those in the church also grows. Jesus said the poor you will always have because He understood that we cannot rid society of the less privileged. The best way to help the poor is to preach the gospel to them and it will lift them up from their poverty. It’s noble to help those that are less fortunate, but don’t replace kingdom principles that help the church reach out to them with knowledge that will help them also become rich. The message of Christ is the only way to help the poor. We need to build structures that help the poor become stronger and wiser. God bless you!

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