The Power of Marriage: Unity, Purpose, and Divine Favor
Adam was created as a perfect being. The Bible even states that he was made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). Yet, God recognized that Adam was lonely and needed a helpmate (Genesis 2:18). When God removed Eve from inside of Adam, He was taking certain aspects of Adam and placing them outside of him. This means that as Adam fellowships with Eve, he fellowships with himself because she is a part of him. Therefore, when Adam speaks to Eve, he is not merely speaking to another person—he is speaking to himself, for she is an extension of who he is.
This is why the Bible says, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 18:22). Why do you receive favor when you find a wife? Because you have found the part of yourself that was missing—an essential key to walking in the fullness of what God wants to accomplish in your life. Anyone who has achieved greatness has done so because God placed someone by their side to stand with them.
One aspect of marriage that many people overlook is that its purpose is to help fulfill God’s plan for your life. When you find your wife, you find someone who complements, supports, and helps you birth what you are destined to birth. A wife carries a womb, while a man carries a seed. The man provides the seed, but it is the wife’s responsibility to nurture, incubet, and integrate it with aspects of herself. In this way, man releases himself into woman, and woman releases herself into man, creating a sacred space for manifestation through intimacy.
Consider the story of the Tower of Babel—God intervened because the people were unified, speaking one language (Genesis 11:6). No one speaks in unity like a husband and wife. Many individuals struggle to achieve success because they are not walking in unity with their spouse. The key to accomplishing anything in life is maintaining an intimate relationship with your wife. Through this deep connection, the union fosters prosperity and success.
Someone reading this might say, "But Apostle, I am not married; I am single." Even if you are single, do you know that God has created someone specifically for you? Have you lost hope in believing that there is no one you can connect with to help birth what God has predestined for you? Nations are waiting for couples to come together and make an impact. Businesses are waiting for wives who will stand by their husbands in faith and prayer. I recall a great businessman who shared how his wife was his constant support. Do you support the vision that God has given your husband to the point of praying, fasting, and pushing for its manifestation and growth?
A woman carrying a pregnancy endures challenges—the man provides the seed, but the wife carries the burden. She experiences morning sickness, physical discomfort, and emotional strain. Similarly, in marriage, women often endure difficulties because they are carrying the vision. However, it is crucial for the husband to stand with his wife during these times of pain and discomfort, providing strength and encouragement. When a spouse supports their partner, it brings rest and reassurance (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
I believe that God is raising godly families. One essential truth I want to emphasize is that a wife carries the dream you desire. By speaking to your wife, you are releasing seed-words that will help her become pregnant with the vision God has given you. Many men and women are rising to fulfill their divine calling through the strength of their unions.
I am writing this article in celebration of the woman God has blessed me with—Lady Grace Daniels, an amazing wife and helper for many years. Tomorrow, on March 5th, is her birthday, and I recognize her as God’s gift to me. If I could go back 11 years, I would still choose her because she has been the womb that helped me birth nations, impact lives, and walk in God’s favor.
So, here is to you, my wife, on your birthday. May God increase you, and may His hand rest upon you. In Jesus’ name, God bless you.
Happy Birthday, Lady Grace! Love you.