Awakened to My Calling: Discovering Purpose in God's Timing

Growing up, I was often laughed at and pushed aside. Yet, I never imagined that I would become a minister. The challenges I faced led me to a place of solitude, where I spent most of my time alone. Imagine a child who never stepped outside, who sat alone at home every day, transforming into someone who now steps out to reach others for Christ. It is a remarkable change, but I believe that by sharing my calling, you too can discover your own calling and purpose.

Though I was raised in a Christian home, there came a season when I truly became a Christian. It was never just about attending church; rather, it was about receiving a revelation of who Christ is. When I fully surrendered my life to Christ, I became passionate and excited about God's work. However, even as I served in ministry, I did not realize that I had a calling and a purpose. I simply loved God, but in my lack of knowledge, I made decisions that were inconsistent with someone carrying a divine calling.

Many are in the same position—serving in the church yet unaware of the calling of God upon their lives. You can be a worker in the house of the Lord but still not recognize the weight of your calling. If you do not understand the significance of your calling, you will not hold it in the esteem it deserves.

I remember praying for people, witnessing the blind receive sight, and preaching messages that transformed lives. Yet, I was still unaware of the calling upon me. There is a difference between working for God and being conscious of the calling you carry. I began to awaken to my calling when I observed what God was doing through me and recognized the value of the ministry He entrusted to me.

There was a time when, despite seeing the power of God move in my life, I would have denied that I had a divine calling. I simply thought I enjoyed doing God's work. Many are in the same place—dedicated workers in ministry, yet unaware of the deeper purpose God has for them.

The first time I was awakened to my calling, I had a dream. In that dream, I saw a prophet who said to me, "Do you know that you are a prophet?" I was in disbelief, responding, "Me? A prophet?" But he began to describe the prophetic calling upon my life. That encounter marked the beginning of my awareness.

Isaiah 49:1-2 says, "The Lord called me from the womb; from the body of my mother He named me. He made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He hid me." I began to realize that even though I had been serving God, He had been preparing and molding me for something greater.

Like a woman carrying a child, when you are pregnant with destiny, people begin to notice before you do. Prophecies began to confirm my calling, but one of the strangest was when someone said I was called to be an apostle. At that time, I only saw myself as a prophet. I sought God for clarity, and He began to teach me about the apostolic ministry.

God doesn't reveal everything at once. He gives just enough for you to take the next step. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105). He provides enough revelation, grace, and resources for the current season, pushing you forward into your calling.

For years, I ministered in hiddenness. Though I witnessed miracles, I longed for greater impact, but God kept me in a place of preparation. He had promised me nations, but I had to wait for His perfect timing.

Isaiah 49:4 says, "I have labored in vain; I have spent my strength for nothing at all. Yet what is due me is in the Lord’s hand, and my reward is with my God." I was working, but I did not see the full fruits of my labor because God was still preparing me. He later revealed that my ministry was not just to win lost souls but to restore His church—bringing Jacob back to Him (Isaiah 49:5-6). Many are called to minister to the lost, but my assignment was to awaken and equip believers in their divine purpose.

Through the years, I pastored churches and led congregations, but God revealed that my mission was not to build a single church but to create a movement that would bring revival across nations. That is why today, we hold meetings in Pretoria, Kenya, Malawi, and other places—to awaken the saints.

This year, God reminded me of His promise: "Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession" (Psalm 2:8). As He calls me as an apostle, He has also sharpened my prophetic insight and passion for teaching so that my ministry is well-rounded and impactful.

Even though I have been awakened to my calling, God continues to reveal more as I walk in obedience. He does not show us everything at once but gives us enough light for the next step. Some of you are in a season where He is giving you just enough grace for today, just enough favor for now, to prepare you for your greater assignment.

What is your calling? Have you sought God for clarity about your assignment? If you can grasp the purpose He has for you, you will be amazed at what He will accomplish in and through your life.

I pray that God awakens you to your calling and purpose. May you impact nations and transform your community in Jesus' name. Amen.



Dreaming With God: Discovering Your Purpose